How to Measure a Necklace Length

Most of the time, when people go to buy or inquire about the cuban link necklace, length is not one of the things on their mind. The Cuban necklace is one of the most expensive and sought-after necklaces globally. Therefore, when anyone goes shopping for Cubans, it is more about the beauty and price tag than the length. However, length is one of the most crucial features you should consider before buying any necklace. Your necklace length determines what people will notice when you wear the necklace and how they will appreciate it. For instance, if your neckpiece has a pendant, the most noticeable part of your outfit may be the pendant, and in most cases, that is how long the necklace is.

Length is important when choosing your necklace. In fact, every necklace merchant should tell you the length of a chain effortlessly, without you asking. If the merchant does not tell you, ask questions. And if they can not answer, you should not buy the necklace. Not knowing the necklace length shows poor documentation or a bad reputation for the necklace merchant. It is possible that you do not have the luxury of time to ask for the length. Now, that is what this guide is for. Here, we will show you how to measure the length of a necklace in easy steps. After that, we will provide tips to know the correct length of chain you need.

Give enough space

Measuring your necklace is a straightforward process. However, you need enough space to get an accurate measurement. The space you will give is determined by the size of the necklace and the space available. There has to be a flat surface and enough space for you to measure accurately. Without these spaces, you will still be guessing the necklace length.

Unhook the necklace

Whether you are wearing the necklace or the neckpiece is at its storage point, you need to Unhook it before you measure it. When your necklace is hooked, then it has a circular shape, and you can not measure it accurately but when it is unhooked, measuring it is easy.

Lay it out straight

For anyone measuring the necklace for the first time, the easiest method is to have the necklace hanging and measure it. However, this would, in most cases, give you the wrong measurement. The best way to measure your necklace is to lay it out on a straight surface. As much as possible, ensure there are no obstructions on the surface you want to use to measure the necklace.

Use a tape to measure

After you have laid down the necklace, measure it properly with tape. Some people advise that you can use a ruler to measure it, but mostly a ruler may not get the exact size.

How to Measure the right size for your necklace

When you want to measure the right necklace size for you, you need to consider your height, your neck size, width, and other features. This will ensure that your necklace is not looking too long and also not have an unnecessarily short necklace.



Burnell is a software engineer with over 10 years of experience. He has worked on many high-profile projects, and is highly sought after for his expertise. Felix is known for his attention to detail and his ability to think outside the box. He enjoys working on challenging problems that require lateral thinking.

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