How Do You Know When to Replace Your Garage Door Springs

Your garage door springs are a critical component of your garage door system. They provide the force that allows your garage door to open and close smoothly. If your garage door will not open or close all the way, it is likely that the springs need to be replaced.

There are many other signs that will let you know the best time for your garage door torsion spring replacement. These include:

Springs are rusty or broken

There’s rust on the spring or it’s bent or broken in half. You may also notice that one side of the spring has more wear than the other side. If any of these conditions exist, don’t try to fix them yourself. A professional will know how to examine your springs and determine whether they’re safe for use or need replacing.

Excessive noise when opening and closing the door

The springs are not very old but they are making excessive noise that you cannot ignore. It is normal for a garage door to make some noise when being used but it should not be too loud. If you notice that your garage door makes more noise than it did when it was new, then there is something wrong with it.

Visible dents or cracks on the springs

If you notice that there are visible dents or cracks on your springs, then they may be damaged beyond repair and need replacing immediately. Even if there are no visible signs of damage, if you hear rattling sounds when operating or opening/closing your garage door then they need replacement immediately because they might already be damaged internally which will make them useless in a short period of time.

Garage door doesn’t open or close all the way

If your garage door is unable to open or close all the way, you might need new cables and torsion springs. This is because these parts work together to lift the door up and down smoothly. If one part is damaged or worn out, shifting weight can cause issues with your garage door’s operation.

Difficulty in Opening the Door and Closes with a Bang

If there is too much tension on your spring or if it has been installed incorrectly, then it may not be able to lift or lower your garage door correctly; if you do it tends to close quite fast with a huge bang. In some cases, this problem can get worse over time and even cause damage to other parts of your home.

Springs Are Broken or Sagging

If one or more of your springs has broken apart or become loose in its casing, then you should replace them immediately to prevent further damage to your garage door and its supports. You may also see sagging in the middle of your door when this occurs, which will make it hard to open and close smoothly because there isn’t enough power being generated by the springs to lift the weight being applied by the door’s movement.


Geared torsion springs are quite durable, holding up in most real-world applications. But they do have a limited lifespan and should be replaced when they are worn out. All bearings eventually wear out, which is why garage door repair, and even replacement, will be necessary every once in awhile. The advantage to the long springs is that it provides a smooth lift, making for a generally quieter door overall. As stated above, you can check our list of signs that it’s time to replace your springs. This will help you decide whether or not you should have them replaced right away or wait to deal with more pressing spring repairs.



Burnell is a software engineer with over 10 years of experience. He has worked on many high-profile projects, and is highly sought after for his expertise. Felix is known for his attention to detail and his ability to think outside the box. He enjoys working on challenging problems that require lateral thinking.

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